
l edge n. 边缘
? When trees die, the ecology and hydrology of aforest change, which in turn promotes insect infestation and fire.
l ecology n. 生态
l hydrology n. 水文学
l infestation n. (害虫)出没,横行
? Because forests do a lot to stabilize the climateand to store carbon and when they start to die off, you can actually haveforest die-off accelerate climate change," he says. "You get into avicious cycle.
l stabilize v. 使…稳定
l accelerate v. 增加,加速
l vicious adj. 凶猛的,恶劣的
从以上这些内容中我们学到了很多的表达方式和句型,这样一来对于雅思阅读的理解力和速度的提高有很大的帮助。从文章结构上来看,本文是很明显的现象—解释原因—后果—预测——建议的行文模式。这和很多剑桥系列里的文章相似。文章中同时也涉及了许多生态,环保类的雅思高频词,比如stabilize,infest, mortality等等。
分析发现,在剑桥雅思真题中也有相关类型的文章供考生阅读理解和训练:剑四Rainforest; 剑七Deforestation; 剑七The Little Ice Age, 以上三篇文章都是当下热点的环保类文章,考生可以精读加考题训练。
【真题预测】 根据刚才关于树木死亡和气候的原版文章,我们来练习一下雅思阅读的常考题型之——是非无判断题:
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in thispassage?
1. If a kind of speciesdie off, the ecology of this region is likely changed also.
2. Forests only serveas the role of storing carbon.
3. The government isnow carrying out specific programs to address this deteriorating phenomenon.
l trembling adj. 颤抖的
l aspen n. 白杨
l die off 死亡,消失
? And when the main tree in a forest goes, you tendto see a lot of the other species, especially the grasses and the wild flowers,tend to disappear as well.
l species n. 种类
l wild adj. 野生的
? One of the ways that we expect climate change toincreasingly play out in forests is through these widespread tree mortalityevents where you stress the trees enough that you essentially push a wholeregion of them off the edge and in fact what happens afterwards, after a forestdies from drought is every bit as important and in some sense matters more tohumans who rely on forests.
l mortality n. 死亡
l drought n. 干旱
l in some sense 在某种意义上
l edge n. 边缘
? When trees die, the ecology and hydrology of aforest change, which in turn promotes insect infestation and fire.
l ecology n. 生态
l hydrology n. 水文学
l infestation n. (害虫)出没,横行
? Because forests do a lot to stabilize the climateand to store carbon and when they start to die off, you can actually haveforest die-off accelerate climate change," he says. "You get into avicious cycle.
l stabilize v. 使…稳定
l accelerate v. 增加,加速
l vicious adj. 凶猛的,恶劣的
从以上这些内容中我们学到了很多的表达方式和句型,这样一来对于雅思阅读的理解力和速度的提高有很大的帮助。从文章结构上来看,本文是很明显的现象—解释原因—后果—预测——建议的行文模式。这和很多剑桥系列里的文章相似。文章中同时也涉及了许多生态,环保类的雅思高频词,比如stabilize,infest, mortality等等。
分析发现,在剑桥雅思真题中也有相关类型的文章供考生阅读理解和训练:剑四Rainforest; 剑七Deforestation; 剑七The Little Ice Age, 以上三篇文章都是当下热点的环保类文章,考生可以精读加考题训练。
【真题预测】 根据刚才关于树木死亡和气候的原版文章,我们来练习一下雅思阅读的常考题型之——是非无判断题:
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in thispassage?
1. If a kind of speciesdie off, the ecology of this region is likely changed also.
2. Forests only serveas the role of storing carbon.
3. The government isnow carrying out specific programs to address this deteriorating phenomenon.
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