因为GT成绩一直都卡在好几个学校的线上,忐忑不安。强申怕丢冤枉钱,不申又觉得委屈。遂发信问coodinator, 觉得应该搞清楚了是怎么一回事。
无论是你的G还是你的T,无论是总分,还是小项。只要有一样没达到研究生院的要求,那就麻烦了,虽然有的学校在官网上挂着有“provisional adimission”给那些没达到最低要求的申请人,但是要靠这条路被录取显然比较困难,除非你有特别出众的地方让老师跟研究生院交涉让你通过。
这是对方的回信“I encourage you apply, however the department does not typically offer provisional acceptance.”
看来这个provisional admission 是给某些单项特别牛的人留置的。如果你是果断选择,如果你不是,还是不要浪费这个精力和申请费了。
“The short answer to your question is yes, it is possible. The longer answer is that in order to have you admitted, the department will need to make a special request to the Graduate School. In order for that to happen, the department will need to feel that you are an outstanding applicant in every other way. And you will need to have one of my faculty colleagues advocate very strongly on your behalf. So, while admission is possible, there are many hurdles.”
“Perhaps your best bet will be to study hard and to retake the TOEFL exam with the hope that your Speak score will improve.” and “Yes,please do submit your current scores and we will initiate review. When you have retaken the exam have the new scores sent to us and we will update your file.”
千万不要随便放弃你的dream school,不过也不要乱撒钱。
希望可以帮到和我有一样困惑的孩子。 |