
Queens Academy of English Limited (AUCKLAND)
  2 Year National Diploma in Business (Level 6)
  NZQA: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/provid...?providerId=147901001
  (sure to be enrolled, credit can be transferred)

Institute of Applied Learning Ltd. (TAKAPUNA, MANUKAU, OTAHUHU)
  2 Year Diploma in Computing (Level 6)
  2 Year Diploma in Design (Level 6)
  2 Year Diploma in Hospitality (Level 6) -- give job opportunity
  NZQA:  http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/provid...?providerId=100268001

  (sure to be enrolled)

Thames Business School Limited (AUCKLAND)
  Diploma in Business/Marketing (Level 6) (NEW!)
  NZQA:        http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/provid...?providerId=186101001

  (can transfer credits and enroll in further Bachelor degree Australia, UK; Confidential materials are prepared for you to enroll)

Cornell Institute of Business and Technology (AUCKLAND)
  Diploma in Business
  Diploma in Marketing
  Diploma in Computing (SQL database, web design, asp…)
  Two years
  NZQA:        http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/provid...?providerId=182001001

  (80% can be enrolled)

Tai Poutini Polytechnic (AUCKLAND)
  NZQA:        http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/provid...?providerId=100450002

  (AUT, Massey, Unitec straight away after finishing the course, 90% to be enrolled)

Lion Nathan School of Business (AUCKLAND)
  Hotel Management
  NZQA:        http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/provid...?providerId=185901001

  (15 hours job guaranteed for a week, need interview and setting the exam if no IELTS)

Whitireia Community Polytechnic
  Diploma in Business
  Diploma in IT
  NZQA:        http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/provid...?providerId=100459002
  (90% enrollment)
for details, plz contact QQ:9132440
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