DIY申请189, 5月15号递上去的,6月12号收到CO邮件让我补材料:Form80 和Evidence of Dependancy
1.Form80 已准备好,请问是直接在回复CO的邮件里附上form80 就可以还是必须要到 immiaccount 里 上传它? 我已经在回复CO邮件里附上了。但以防万一我又想在immiaccount里上传,但form80 pdf格式填完已经9mb了,请问有什么办法能缩小到5mb以内?
2. 关于Evidence of Dependancy, Co邮件里是这样写的:Evidence of Dependancy-Non Migrating Members of Family Unit Confirmation
Please confirm any people who are dependent members of your family unit:(You have declared in your Expression of Interest that you have family member/s that you would like to include in a future application).
Please note that any dependent members of your family unit (migrating or not) are required to meet the health and character requirements. All applicants are then subject to a 'one fail, all fail policy.' If they do not meet the above definition of member of the family unit please advise on a completed Form 1023, indicating that they should have been entered on the application as "Other Family Members", or that they are not dependant on you,
if this is the case.
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