经验丰富雅思讲师提供一对一辅导(IELTS teaching)

国际著名大学语言教育学硕士,国内执教多家名校,金牌雅思讲师,教学经验丰富,责任心强、因材施教、专为每个学生语言学习特点量身打造学习课程,提升雅思成绩效果显著,并与学生建立长期友谊者不在少数。现面向布里斯班有雅思学习需求者提供一对一辅导,有意者联系Sabrina : 0432847461。

Master of Language Teaching in an internationally renowned university; taught as a gold medal lecturer in several famous schools in China; possesses rich experience of teaching IELTS;  highly responsible for students ;provide tailored courses according to every student's language learning trait; remarkably imporve your IELTS score; keep long term friendship with many past students. This is Sabrina(0432847461), anyone in Brisbane who wants to improve IELTS is welcome.
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