One Year ahead of 30's

Dance Dance Dance
        A lonely dancer on this silent stage
        Dancing till no end
        Neither cheers and praise
        Dancing till no end
        Nor hiss on his face
        Till one day
        A slight swing reborn from the lake
        Till one day
        On this silent stage a red carpet is laid
        This poem is inspired by Haruki Murakami's Dance Dance Dance
        Happy birthday to me

year ago, I wrote this poem to attest my commitment to pursuing my
dream. One year has passed, I still remember the rejoice in concluding
the adaptation of NW after 16 month, and still remember the excitement
when receiving the reply from Professor R. He kindly forwarded it to Mr
M.'s agent in New York. I still remember the my unbearable pain when
the agent of Mr M. informed me of his reluctance to make NW into movie.
Live on. I did not ask the agent whether my work is good or bad. The question is meaningless. But at least I have tried.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-14 7:56:18编辑过]
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