
little xxxx,
Here are some experience from my friends.
1. It is hard to stay abroad and find a decent job.
2. If u do choose to stay, u will find a decent job eventually and u will make much better living ever since. This is called "咸鱼翻身".
eg. one of my friend just got a job from big 4 in New York after more than one year's job hunting and her salary is 50000usd +bonus which is above average salary level in NY.Before that, she even did have enough money for heating.
3.Almost eveyone who comes back China without working experience in foreign countries finds that both living evironment and the pay are unbelivably bad. Most of my friends tried, are trying or will try to go back. One of my friends who hated to live in Au so much will settle in Syd next month. And another example, my savings is only 550rmb after half year work without any fixed asset in a Fortune 500(international) company and I am trying to immigrate now.
4. Degrees are worthless and useless but qualifications/certifications are widely accepted and useful. There are tooooooooooooooo many guys with Finance master degree. U have no idea how many they r!!! The figure is HUGE.
To conclude, my recommendations are:
1. DON'T TAKE FINANCE COURSE except u can be enrolled in Standford or sth like that.
2. If you do wanna Finc, take CFA exams in China instead of going out. Pls consider this option, because after u spend 300,000 rmb or above, u will find u can make better use of it in other fabulous ways. To think u can take 10-day trip to Europe 15 TIMES with that money. U may skee in Swiss, swim in Greek or Itally, wonder in Paris..........~~~
CFA only costs above 10000rmb and u will find a better job with it than with a degree!!
3. if you just wanna to live abroad, to experience, pls consider to take 15 trips instead and u will have much more fun!!
4. if u wanna immigration to Au, take ACCA instead of a master degree in Accounting. I am doing it now. u will save a fortune.
5. if u can't have the money unless u take a course abroad, u may try to communicate with ur parents and let them know the situation and try to get the money in another way.
6. if in the end u still make decision to go, pls try to get immigrated.
Ok, I made my points. If u have any opposite opinion and wanna discuss with me, welcome to call me at 138xxxx. I do want u to make best use of ur money although I believe life just follows random walk model~ I am randomly walking~~
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