
For more information please visit the webpage on chinaera.com below:
Wanna get working experience in a national research corp.? Now, it is the great chance!
NICTA - National Information Communication Technology Australia
Now we want recruit some more EE students who might be prepared to undertake 6 month projects with us working here for around 2 days per week.
I would like to accept your offer, and have attached two topics that you are welcome to forward to anyone you think might be interested. We are looking for about 3 people in total; the stereo vision topic (with Serge and Yu) will accommodate 2, and the platform development topic (with Mike) will accommodate 1-2.
Please pass the names and contact details of interested people to me in the first instance. If by chance you know people from CSE who would be interested, please let me know too, because we may have an additional topic more suitable for CSE people.
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