about Caufield & Clayton

Sorry I can't type chinese at the moment.
I am really miss your recently,so trouble for enrolled to a new university.
I already enrolled into "Bachelor of Business(accoutning)" in Monash university,get the student ID and internet accout.As the reason of I have been study Diploma of Commerce in QIBT before,they gave me one year credit.It's means I only need take another two years to finish my degree.
But I am thinking about change couse now...I want to study Bachelor of Commerce in Clayton campus in Monash.Because some people tell me the students outcome in different campus in Monash are quiet different.I received three offer from Monash,first one is Bachelor of Commerce,Second one is Bachelor of Commerce(accounting and finance),the thrid one is Bachelof of Business(accounting).My name listed on the student list of Clayton campus but when the organisation day comeing,I went to Caufield and registered there.
Just because the credit transfer still in process..and I afraid if I register in Clayton,I don't know how many credit I can get finally.On the other side, it's no double I can get full year crecit if I register in Caufield.
The international office let me think carefully now.They said I still can change to Clayton and study Bachelof of Commerce(accounting and finance) if I want to,but I must make decistion before 27th,July.
I don't know how much difference between these campus and course.Any advice??

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