本帖最后由 elin186000 于 2013-5-2 22:22 编辑
地址:45 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane
大double room出租, 有自己的table and single bed. 现在房间还剩一个位置availabe, sharing the room with a nice taiwanese girl. 房间带空调,大衣柜和小阳台。
South Brisbane IGA 对面,走路40秒到bus stop 199,196,192, 不到5 mins to cultural center station. 10mins walk to city. 6~8min to west end Coles
每人$130。Room is for 2 persons. 包水费网费, 分摊电费和煤气费(normally $3 per week)
avaiable from 10th May, 2013
contact: 0430100603 alice