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不知不觉已经一年的末尾了,是不是又该重拾心情,思考思考人生呢,展望展望未来呢^_^,不知道童鞋们有没有对接下来的一年有什么plan or desire, 又或者在15年最后一个月来想想对明年的bucket list。几天前我的一个美国加州的盆友问到我说“Nancy, what’s your bucket list for next year?”. “ Well, good question, but I haven’t figured it out yet.” 我回答到。So, what does ‘bucket list’ exactly mean here?
我们知道bucket是桶子的意思,但是In ancient British language, people used “kick the bucket” to refer to death. Thus, “ a bucket list “ means a list of things you want to do before you die. 其实它跟我们所说的wish list 很像,只不过很早之前,歪果仁们说bucket list 多指在你死之前你最想完成的事情,或愿望( a bucket list is mostly filled with things you want to do before you die, whereas a wish list can be anything you want to do or any object you want to buy for any occasion.)。但是,最近呢它已经被常用来指普通的愿望列表,或者是将来要去尝试的不同寻常是事情but recently , a buck list has been used for more general wishes as well. It can be a list of activities and achievements you hope to accomplish in near future. 听起来比wish list 更cool 有木有,快点对小伙伴问起来~~
The essence of any good bucket list consists of overcoming fears, achieving goals, realizing dreams and even simple pleasures. Whether it’s an exotic adventure halfway around the world or something simple, like spending more time with your family or friends, what matter is that your experience all the good and phenomenal things Earth offers.任何一个好的愿望清单的精华会包括有战胜害怕,获得目标,实现梦想,甚至简单的快乐。无论它是一场半途中环游世界里的异国冒险旅行,又或是花更多时间和你的家人,朋友相处, 任何这个地球能提供你将能体验的棒的和非凡的事情。以下分享些20个前些日子很火的年轻时前一定要做的27个list, hope that may inspire you guys in some way.(希望这能给你们些启发)。
27 Things You Need To Do Before You Settle Down
1.Travel with you BFFs
2.Learn to cook
3.Be finically independent (保持经济独立)
4.Face one of your biggest fears
5.Live alone
6.Accomplish a goal
7.Find your drink of choice (找到你喜欢的一种酒)
8.Make the first move ( 迈出第一步,like confess your love)
9.Challenge yourself
10.Take a road trip (自驾游)
11.Try a nice restaurant by yourself
12.Live somewhere else
13.Learn to drive manual (学会开车,should add to my list )
14.Get fit/ work out (健身)
15.Stay up until the sunrise (熬夜直到日出)
16.See your favorite artist live (亲临你喜欢的艺术家现场)
17.Make a list of books to read and then read them all (列一份读书清单,然后看完这本书)
18.Try a new hobby
19.Have a long conversation with a stranger
20.Get to know yourself (认识你自己)