
You Case Status:Request for Evidence
    On May 18 2010,we received your response to our request for evidence.This case is being processed at our VERMONT SERVICE CENTER Iocation.If you move while this case is pending,please ues our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our custoner service center at 1-800-375-5283.We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. You should expect to receive a written decision or written update within 60 days of the date we received your response unless fingerprint processing or an interview are standard parts of case processing and have not yet been completed,in which case you can ues the processing time information on our website to estimate when this case will be done.If you move while this case is pending,please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283

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