
Hall Fee
  The following hall fees will be charged for the 2002/03 residential year (for a total of 290 calendar days, from 26 August 2002 to 11 June 2003):  
Hall lodging fee

Hall lodging fee is payable in two instalments, covering the residential period of 1st and 2nd semester respectively.
For current students, they are required to settle the 1st instalment before the commencement of hall residence to substantiate their acceptance of hall residential offer.
For first year students, given the tight admission schedule, they shall settle the 1st instalment in September.
The e-debit note of the 2nd instalment shall be distributed in the following January before the commencement of the 2nd semester).
HK$11,600/residential year
payable in two installments
1st installment: $5,720
2nd installment: $5,880


Hall Caution Money
It is chargeable to all applicants upon the acceptance of hall residential offer.
It is refundable on official withdrawal from or termination of hall residence, subject to no claim on hall residence or other hall related charges being outstanding. Any residual amount of the Caution Money after any deduction shall be refunded by Finance Office in due course.
It shall be forfeited if the provisional resident fails to settle the 1st instalment of hall fee before hall residence, or if his hall residence is terminated for disciplinary actions.
Hall Function Fee
It is payable in two instalments, covering the residential period of 1st and 2nd semester respectively.
$100/residential year
payable in two installments
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