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Adulation worship; great praise
Amiable friendly, lovable
Arable can be cultivated ("arable land")
Articulation 1. joining, 2. speaking clearly
Autocrat absolute ruler; dictator
Bountiful generous
Callous cruel; hard and unfeeling
Cerebral concerned with thinking
Compendious containing a lot in a small space/few words
Conciliatory bringing together; ending a dispute
Connoisseurs experts with good taste/judgment
Convivial sociable
Corpulence being fat
Dearth shortage
Debacles disasters
Demonstrative expressing emotion freely
Depreciatory devaluing; criticizing
Facile over-simplified
Floridity 1. floweriness in language, 2. redness
Haranguing attacking verbally
Heterogeneity variety; non-uniformity
Histrionic melodramatic; expressing exaggerated emotion
Imperious in a commanding manner
Indulgent kindly; pampering
Inscrutable not east to comprehend
Insufferable cannot be tolerated
Insular narrow-minded
Intemperate not moderate; excessive
Intonation tone of voice
Lavish 1. (verb) to spend freely, 2. (adj.) opulent; costing a lot
Litigious seeking legal remedies
Magnanimous generous minded; big-hearted
Mandatory compulsory
Momentous of great importance
Nemesis fate, doom
Opacity lack of transparency; being opaque
Palliative something that makes better but does not cure
Peer 1. (noun) an equal, 2. (verb) to look closely at
Profundity depth (of ideas/thought)
Radical revolutionary
Redolent smelling of (literal or metaphoric)
Reprehensible very bad
Robust strong and sturdy
Solicitous expressing care and concern
Somber gloomy
Succulent juicy
Sycophants toadies; flatterers
Therapeutic medicinal
Thwarted prevented
Toadies sycophants; flatterers; boot-lickers
Undermined weakened
Viscous thick and sticky
Wistful sad, yearning; longing in a thoughtful way
Words from Official SAT Study Guide Test 2
Advocate support
Ambiguous vague
Animosity hostility; hatred
Boorishness rudeness; ill-mannered behavior
Censure blame; criticize
Concord agreement
Conflagration big fire
Consecrated dedicated; made holy
Consummate supremely good
Contagious passed on through touch; infectious
Cursory superficial
Dalliance non-serious involvement; toying or playing with something
Deleterious harmful
Disparaging critical
Dubious doubtful
Equitable fair and equal
Eulogy praise
Fastidious very fussy; excessively concerned (esp. about cleanliness)
Fidelity faithfulness; loyalty
Formidable inspiring awe
Futile useless; waste of time and effort
Futility uselessness
Holistic whole; entire (Holistic viewpoint = seeing things as a whole)
Idiosyncratic quirky; eccentric; unique to an individual
Ineffable can’t be expressed in words
Infelicity unsuitability; inappropriateness
Integrity honor; honesty
Intermittent on and off; not continuous
Judicious fair; wise
Legitimate to make legal; give approval to
Mercenary seeking money above all else
Meticulous thorough; taking care of details
Petulant sulky
Polarized divided into two extremes
Pragmatism practicality
Presumptive presumed
Propensity tendency; leaning’ predilection
Prosaic ordinary
Quelled suppressed
Regressive moving backwards (literal or metaphoric)
Remiss neglectful
Rhetoric persuasive language
Sedulous thorough; eager
Sermonized gave moral lecture
Shroud 1. a cover for dead body, 2. to cover
Steadfastness loyalty; firmness of purpose
Temporize put off; procrastinate
Treacly too sweet; over sentimental
Vacillated wavered; hesitated
Vindication proving right
Vindictive seeking revenge |