
We should not approve the business loan application of the local group that wants to open a franchise outlet for the Kool Kone chain of ice cream parlors. Frostbite is known for its cold winters, and cold weather can mean slow ice cream sales. For example, even though Frostbite is a town of 10,000 people, it has only one ice cream spot — the Frigid Cow. Despite the lack of competition, the Frigid Cow’s net revenues fell by 10 percent last winter.
1.求s^3*t^3*u^3 s,t,u都是素数 (1)s^3*t*u=728 (2)t=13 我选的A 因为我觉得这种形式下只可能S=2 T,U=13 7
2.问本科生与研究生人数的比例 (1)老师与本科生的比例是老师与研究生的比例的1/4 (2)学生一共***人,老师一共***人 我选的A
3. 求x (1) 开2次根(-x|x|)=2 (2) 这个条件给忘了 反正第一个条件是能求出X的 X=-2 这题好象是2个条件都能求出
4. 求长方形面积 (1)给出周长 (2)给出对角线长 选的C 两个一起
5.这题没怎么看明白 估计也做错了 x% of what number is equal to y (1)xy=0 (2) x+y=0 这两个条件我不太记得了,这题主要在于没看懂题目是什么意思,大家翻译一下题目就行了
6. m>n? (1)m/n>1 (2)(m-n)/m
7. is m^n perfect square? (1)m is perfect square (2)n is perfect square 我理解意思是完全平方数, 所以选的A
8. 3个机器造东西,A机器12个小时造X个,B机器12个小时造Y个,C机器8个小时造B12个小时造的一半即Y/2,问C12个小时造多少个 (1)三个机器同时开动12个小时造了****个 (2)B机器8个小时造了****个 (2)是对的
9.感觉这次数学怎么比以前都难了,有道题特难,做不出来,放弃了,DS题:公司买了50000个clips,这些clips不是红的就是绿的,不是大的就是小的,不是塑料的就是铁的,然后给了一些比例,比如什么 红的占百分之几 又绿有铁的占百分之几之类的,还有个条件就是没有又红又大又塑料...具体条件实在有点想不起了.两个选项也是哪些占百分之几,问你求出铁的占百分之几.......根本算不出来......放弃了
10. 调查***个人 有**人买BOND 有**人买了STOCK, 问多少人只买了BOND而没买STOCK (1) **人什么都没买 (2) ***两个都买了 我选的两个都可以
1. 1*2*3*....*n/990的结果能被990整除,问n最小为多少 我选的11, 其他答案是8,9,10,12 之类
3.两条平行线, 一条4个点,一条5个点,问能组成多少个不同的三角形,答案好象是70个,大家算算
4.问9^9-9^2最接近哪个数, 选的9^9 其他答案是9^8 9^7之类
5. 问x(x-1)^2+(x-1)^2=? 答案是(x^2-1)(x-1) 变换了一下形式
6. 这题比较贱, 问9,333/3.123最接近什么数 主要考你分清楚, . 这两个符号 一个是千位号 一个是小数点 看清楚了答案很明白
7.某女开车through Britain 开了300KM, 她的车每8KM蚝油1L, 1L油5pence(是不是这个单位), 问你她共付了多少油费, 用英镑为单位.题目给出了1镑等于多少pence,很简单
8. 有道题是问一个数它除以多少余了3, 问这个数它不可能是哪种,每个答案就是能被不同的数整除 这道题具体数值还真给忘了,做的时候用特殊值法,有4个答案都是可能出现的
9.一个飞行器在一个圆的轨道里飞,飞了300KM它又在起点了,问下面哪几种可能是这个圆的半径, 反正我记得有一个选项好象不对 就是120/ 派
10.汉堡上加调料 有3种不同的 你可以加1,2,3种或不加,问有多少种不同口味,答案是8
11.一个地方旅游 80%是美国人 剩下的一半是墨西哥或加拿大 再剩下的是欧洲 问美国人是欧洲人的几倍 答案8
13. x ^2 +y^2=4xy 问 X+Y/X-Y=?
语文: AI 人想取得成功就得放弃生活的其他方面,这个应该是老题了
AA 有个小高中的大学入学率比什么Con***高中高, Con***高中有200门课可以选,而小高中只有50.所以建议减少选课数量,说这样既能增强学生表现,又能节约TAX DOLLARS.
我用的最新的那个TN版的 是 第22套里面的题
Companies that must determine well in advance of the selling season how many units of a new product to manufacture often underproduce products that sell well and have overstocks of others. The increased incidence in recent years of mismatches between production and demand seems ironic, since point-of-sale scanners have improved data on consumers’ buying patterns and since flexible manufacturing has enabled companies to 24 produce, cost-effectively, small quantities of goods. This type of manufacturing has greatly increased the number of new products introduced annually in the United States. However, frequent introductions of new products have two problematic side effects. For one, they reduce the average lifetime of products; more of them are neither at the beginning of their life (when prediction is difficult) or at the end of their life (when keeping inventory is expensive because the products will soon become obsolete). For another, as new products proliferate, demand is divided among a growing number of stock-keeping units (SKU’s). Even though manufacturers and retailers can forecast aggregate demand with some certainty, forecasting accurately how that demand will be distributed among the many SKU’s they sell is difficult. For example, a company may be able to estimate accurately the aggregate number of shoes it will sell, but it may be uncertain about which specific types of shoes will sell more than other types.
中间做到20题那阵的那个阅读,太难了 ,读不懂,关于 印度那片的文字,大概说的是就是科学有这种文字的资料,但不多.但科学家说肯定能再找到一些还是怎么着,一共有4个大段,很长,很变态,找不到中心意思
还有两道 一道是说古人类学家的发现帮助了生态学家 这是最后一道,难度一般
还一道(第2道)是说 这个食物链的最高层上容易积累某种毒素,比如POLAR BEAR, 用某种方法可以测一种叫KOW的玩意,它越高还是低忘了,毒素就越容易扩散到水里去,所以就无害了.然后说但是这方法在陆地上没用,因为鸟和捕乳动物都用肺呼吸,就算KOW低,也排不出去.最后说科学家研究了一种新的模型能测KOW和KO***玩意的混合体,成功了
逻辑题好象都没见过,难度适中 语法题难度适中 30多题之后还出现了NOT ONLY BUT ALSO,单复数等简单的
AA(大体是这样,精确的原题作文题库中可以找到): new corporations should choose Helios' as their cites, since low umemployment... high share of the regional jobs...policy of focus on innovative research.
AI:People should understand their roles as citizen of world more than as a particular coutry
第一段:1970年代以前artisan orgnization的制度有什么(对artisan)不妥之处。再来讲了80年代的时候artisan organization develope,这些artisan只能过清贫的日子(此处有一道细节题:讲80年以前artisan orgnization会是怎么样的:有一道选项是说 artisan organization expended,我想是对的)
Center authority (system) 可能是因为多种原因引起的,其中有一些重要的原因和食物有关,从三个方面来讲的:第一和storage有关(有一细节题)
第二种因素:关于diversity & trade的,有一细节题;
第三种因素: 和intensive use有关,以canal为例(有一细节题,问large scale of the canal的情况)
传统观点认为XXX的形成是这样的,但是这种观点被新近的观点质疑了,因为:(1)怎么样;(2)怎么样 (此处有细节题,或说是例子的作用题,相对简单吧)(文中的一些星星和和木星有关,但无所谓了,为了不分散精力就不具体说了)
这种新的有关planet的形成观点的解释有如下两种机理:(1);(2)via scattering(关键词,有细节题故写出这个关键词)
以下不可能正确的: (被?整除)
3)一道在读题感觉上颇复杂的题,已有人提出,不多提,具体数值也记不清了(关于metal or plastic; large or small; red or blue 的题)
5)长方体边长24,20,10,被一个 1cm 厚的foam围着,问这个foam的volume最接近多少,我觉得大家应该搞清楚这个volume 指的是容积还是这个材料的体积,选项是1000,2000,3000……,6000。
Ai : The great business leader  have more opertunities to imfluence the comunities or a nation than the government official.
AA:108. The following appeared as part of a business plan created by the management of the Take Heart Fitness Center.
“After opening the new swimming pool early last summer, Take Heart saw a 12 percent increase in the use of the center by members. Therefore, in order to increase the number of our members and thus our revenues, which depend on membership fees, we should continue to add new recreational facilities in subsequent years: for example, a multipurpose game room, a tennis court, and a miniature golf course. Being the only center in the area offering this range of activities would give us a competitive advantage in the health and recreation market.
AA: 某新闻类杂志员工流失严重,董事会换了个以前儿童出版物的总编……
AI: Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society. Just as property and money once were the
keys to success, education has now become the element that most ensures success in life.
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