超详细!手把手教你准备写作Idea & 词句, 犯罪类话题全解析!

?犯罪类虽说不是最热门的考题,但是却也每年都来刷几次存在感—— 如果恰巧遇到了这类 “最熟悉的陌生人”,要怎么构思怎么写啊?让我们先来看一下近几年所考到的犯罪类考题:
·        Some people believe that if the police force carries guns, it would encourage a higher level of violence in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
·        In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes, what are the causes? How should these young criminals to be punished.
·        Some people think most crimes are the result of circumstances like poverty and other social problems. Others believe that they are caused by people who are bad in nature. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
·        Some people think that teenagers should be given the same punishment as adult criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
·        In many countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers. What are the causes of this phenomenon and how to solve it?
·        Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

监禁罪犯 VS 收容教育
§      对于罪犯达到惩戒目的
§      对于守法者的人身和财产安全的保护
§      对于受害者家人的精神安慰(spiritual consolation)
§      对于潜在犯罪分子起到震慑的作用
Crime = criminality 犯罪
e.g.: The incidence of various criminalities hovers at a relatively high level.
Jeopardize the security of the society 危害社会的安全
Recidivism = repetitive criminality = continuous crimes 累计犯罪
Criminals = offenders = law-breakers 犯罪分子
Felons = serious offenders 重刑犯
Gangster 歹徒、恶棍
Terrorist 恐怖分子
Bully 小混混
Rehabilitate 改造
e.g.: Serve the purpose of rehabilitating criminals
Imprison (imprisonment) 关押
Put into prison/jail = locked behind the bars 投入监狱
Fairness = justice = impartiality 公正性
Judicial system 司法制度
Deter sb from doing sth = stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做……
e.g.: Have a deterring effect on
Has a deterrent role to play in……
§      应该参考犯罪动机来制定惩罚方式
§      对于法律意识不健全的罪犯,可以进行法律知识普及
§      迫于生计犯罪——给予特定的生存技能培训
§      心理方面不健全——给予罪犯心理上的疏导
§      误犯罪——给予机会以及教育
Motive 动机
Petty crime 轻微罪行
act on impulse 一时冲动
Legal consciousness 法律意识
popularize 普及
livelihood 生计、生存
Survival skill 生存技能
mental disease/illness/disorder 心理疾病
psychological guidance 心理疏导
§      青春期本身的冲动,明辨是非能力较弱
§      父母长辈对于孩子的溺爱/忽视
§      网络/其他媒体上的包里元素——青少年较易盲目模仿
§      缺少相关求生技能
Youth crime = teenage crime = juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪
Juvenile law-breaker 少年犯
Adolescence 青春期
Immature = naive 不成熟
Spoil 溺爱
Parental divorce/separation 父母离异
Single-parent household 单亲家庭
Limited access to education 受教育程度有限
Self-oriented 以自我为中心
Indiscriminate 盲目的
Imitation = duplication 模仿
Mislead one's life outlook and values 误导人生观和价值观
Go/lead astray 误入歧途
Violent/pornographic content 暴力***内容
§      惯犯/恶犯关押监禁
§      初犯/轻微犯罪者——收容教育为主
Malicious 恶性的、恶意的
Take into account/consideration 考虑在内
Receive different penalty 接受不同的惩罚
Punish (punishment) = penalize (penalty) 惩罚
Community service 社区义务服务
Provide favourable educational environment 提供良好的教育环境
§      遗传基因——提供良好的教育以及生存环境
§      贫富差距——提供生存技能培训/经济补助
Murder 谋杀
gene 基因
Less-educated 教育程度低
wealth gap between rich and poor 贫富差距
Inherited via their genes 基因中遗传而来的
Affect personalities and behaviours 对性格和行为有很大影响
§      父母多关注孩子的成长和心理变化
§      学校加强沟通和互动
§      父母教师本身做好榜样
Physical and psychological well-being 身心健康
communication and interaction 沟通和互动
set an example for 树立榜样
role model 行为榜样
Abide by laws 守法
§      完善相关法律法规
§      对媒体/网络内容加强审查
§      增强警力,防止潜在犯罪
Legislation 立法
implement = carry out 执行
censorship 审查
supervise = monitor 监管
Stability 稳定
Narrow the gap 缩小差距
police force 警力
surveillance camera 监控摄像头
§      有效的处理正发生的犯罪行为,终结/防治混乱
§      配枪可以震慑潜在犯罪行为,并保证公共安全
§      配枪也可以保障警察的人身安全,必要时刻可以自我防卫
Armed police 武装警察
gun control ***管控
effectively and efficiently 有效并且高效
crack down on 制裁、镇压
crime scene 犯罪现场
chaos = mess 混乱
Terrorism 恐怖主义
Public safety 公共安全
self-defence 自我防卫
sense of safety/security 安全感
§      警察可能会滥用***
§      与犯罪交火时可能会导致无辜平民受伤甚至死亡
§      警察配枪存在被偷被抢的风险,反而装备了犯罪分子
Abuse 滥用
accidental injury = be shot by mistake 误伤
innocent 无辜的
civilian 平民、民众
pedestrian 行人
well-trained 训练有素的
risky 有风险的
evade 避免、规避
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