6月14日 广州 1000 拒

M:Me  V:Visa official

V:(微点头)Give me your document.
V:Do you have any relatives abroad?
V:(point to my I-20)Why your financial source reads "Family Abroad"?
M:I have asked this item of the school ,and the admission official said it means family outside U.S.A.
V:(很耐心地听我说,点头)So who will be your sponsor?
M:My family.(应该特指,因为family也可指亲戚,不过不要紧了,她继续问下去)
M:My father and my mother.
V:What's your father's job?
M:He is the board chairman of a private IT Company.Would you please see my affidavit of financial support?
V:(拿了之后只翻了翻,压根没看!我觉得是不是她对我的资金已不怀疑了)Do you have a degree?
M:Yes, I got my Bacholor's degree in Computer Science and Technology at XX University.
M:Last year,in July.
V:So you have worked for a year?
V:What's your annual salary?
M:My annual salary is RMB39,000.
V:Why did you choose this major(information science)?
M:(紧张之下我居然回答为什么选这个学校)Because I used to develop a YY system,I'm very interested in the technique used in it and want to learn more, and it is actually a XX system,I searched the authority of this field in the internet and found that XX university is well known for this field,so I choose it.
V:What's your plan when you graduate?
M:I'll come back to China,my long term plan is to become the board chairman of my father's company,you know, what I focus on is the field of information science, when I come back I will surely stand at the front line of this field,...(interrupted,我还没说到我跟我公司也就是我爸公司有个协议书,将来我回来后将担任信息主管职务,还有我爸会把他的股份赠给我,那么我的dream of becoming the board chairman will easily be realized...)
V:(一直盯住我的眼睛,点头,低头写了一下,突然冒了一句)So you are working for your father?
M:Yes.I work in the same company with my father.
V:(快手快脚地盖了章,扔出一张移民倾向纸和我的资料)I'm sorry I can't give you visa,would you please read this paper outside?
天哪,直到我说完回国计划她都是一直点头,让我误以为有戏了,哪知道居然就这样拒了!是不是她怀疑我在我爸公司工作的真实性呀?还有,每一个F1她都问annual salary,而且这时容易皱眉头,我前面的F1的年薪有100,000RMB还是被拒了(可能其他原因被拒吧),那作为刚毕业一年的西部不发达城市的程序员39,000RMB太低吗?大家能不能帮我分析一下呀?谢谢!
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