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与专业移民律师合作, 赚钱移民两不误!
ABS Business Sales & STOLAR LAW
If I can be of anyfurther assistance to you regarding this matter, please don’t hesitate tocontact me via the details below.
Kind Regards Cecilia Cao Business Broker
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M: 0458 073 621 P: 07 33684010 F: 07 33684014 E: [email protected] W: absbrisbane.com Office / Mail: Level 1 / 25 Railway Terrace, MILTON Q 4064 file:///C:/Users/ceciliac/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image008.jpg TM 2004 ABS Business Sales P/L – ABN 98 094 835 006 –Level 1 / 25 Railway Terrace, MILTON Q 4064 Disclaimer: Privileged/ConfidentialInformation may be contained in this message. If you are not the addresseeindicated in this message (or responsible for delivery of the message to suchperson), you may not copy or deliver this message to anyone. In such case, youshould destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply email. Pleaseadvise immediately if you or your employer does not consent to email ormessages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other information in thismessage that do not relate to the official business of ABS Business Sales shallbe understood as neither given nor endorsed by it. Any Executive Summaries orBusiness Profiles provided has either been supplied to ABS Business Sales PtyLtd by the proprietors of the business or acquired from other sources that webelieve to be reliable. We have no reason to doubt its source or accuracy butwe cannot guarantee it. Prospective purchasers must make their own inquiries tosatisfy themselves on any information supplied regarding the businessinformation/financials enclosed in this profile.