
2015-11-21 10:08| 发布者: admin| 查看: 3958| 评论: 0

摘要: 在澳洲留学生活一定要避免文化冲突 澳洲留学生活要避免文化冲突。在澳大利亚留学期间要注意中西习惯的冲突,那么澳大利亚生活中有哪些中西习惯的冲突呢-下面留学小编就为大家介绍一下在澳大利亚生活期间要避免的中西生活习惯的冲突,希望各位多多了解一下.澳大利亚留学要更好的在澳大利亚生活,必须要避免以下这些冲突:【澳洲留学生活要避免文化冲突——吃饭】"人是铁,饭是钢。一顿...




"人是铁,饭是钢。一顿不吃饿得慌。"我们和老外的交往许多时候都发生在饭桌上。中国人请老外去家里吃饭,可能会准备8-10道菜。你最好让老外有个心理准备,要幺他们很可能根本没有肚子去吃后面的菜了。他们可能会觉得中国人hospitable, if anything too hospitable.

如果你去老外家吃饭,也许桌上仅仅就准备了一道菜!而且他们也喜欢说"The dishes arequite good; these dishes are quite famous",绝对不像中国人喜欢说:"准备不周,凑合吃点吧。"

还有,中国人为了显示热情,喜欢给别人夹菜。但是老外却不喜欢要别人给自己夹菜。"I don't think I'll ever get used to the eating habits out here. You know, the way people put things on your plate…"

老外乐于让人自主选择喜欢的食物。They think to help yourself is the best way. Foreigners give guests the chance to choose what is their favourite.

和老外吃饭,中国人千万不要谦虚含蓄。"Chinese never seem hungry when they come round to my place.Whenever I ask callers if they'd like a bite to eat they always say no."


一句话,外国人的表达及处世方式更为直接,而中国人则更显圆滑。Foreigners never pretend to be modest. They just tell others what they think. If a Chinese person is faced with the same situation, maybe he or she would say, "I'm sorry. The restaurant is a little bit small and the dishes are just so so, but I hope you'll enjoy yourself."


中国人去别人家串门的时候都喜欢随处逛,到处看。可老外是怎幺看待这些行为的呢"I'm often taken aback by the way visitors come round to my flat and seem to feel free to take the place over, putting on the telly, pulling down books from my shelves, even peering at letters I've left lying around on the desk."本文来源:http://au.533.com/100/485656.html



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