本帖最后由 阿德来来 于 22-11-2015 11:33 AM 编辑
教师介绍 吴鹏,江苏常州人,自幼喜爱书法,研习楷书,隶书,行书近30年。工欧阳询九成宫醴泉铭,欧阳询千字文,文征明诗集,王羲之兰亭序,圣教序,作品多次入选全省,全国及国际书法展,从事书法教育13年多,所带学生的作品多次在国内外书法比赛中获得金奖,部分学生在国内考级中已经达到7级以上,丰富的教学经验和活跃的课堂氛围收到学生的喜爱。 目前是中国书法家协会会员,作品多次被《中国书法杂志》收录。 其学生作品多次在国内外书法比赛中获奖,并被《青少年书法》收录。 Mr. Peng WU has beendevoted to the ChineseCalligraphy for 30 years, including the 13-year ChineseCalligraphy teachingexperience. He has rich teaching skills. He is responsiblefor students andloyal to his teaching career. Mr. Peng WU is themember of ChineseCalligraphers Association, and his calligraphy works have beencollected by Chinese Calligraphy. His students’calligraphy works have wonprizes domestically and internationally. Those worksbeen collected by Youth Calligraphy as well. l 一对一书法辅导 电话:0415 869 828(吴老师) PrivateTuition Session Tel:0415 869 828 (Mr.WU)