In history Aloe vera has been used to treat human and medical problems from A to Z, and many more uses for the leaf have been suggested in contemporary literature:
A— allergies, abscesses, abrasions, asthma, acne, acid indigestion, allergic reactions, anemia, arterial insufficiency, arthritis, athlete's foot, AIDS
B — bad breath, burns, boils, bursitis, baldness, blisters/blistering, bruises, bronchitis, bowel regularity, bloody scours in calves, body cleanser, bladder infections, blood pressure
C — cancer, Candida, corneal ulcers, contusions, canker sores, cold sores, cuts, cataracts, chapped/ chafed skin and lips, cholesterol (high), coughs, colds, colitis, carbuncles, colic, cradle cap, cystitis, chemotherapy, constipation
D — dermatitis, dandruff, dry skin, denture (gum) sores, diaper rash, dishpan hands, dysentery, diabetes, depression
E– F — edema, erysipelas, epidermitis, Epstein-Barr virus, exanthema, eczema, enteritis in fowl, eyes, earache, fibromyalgia, feline leukemia (FeLV), favus, fissured nipples, fever blisters, fungus
G — genital herpes, gingivitis, glaucoma, gangrene
H — heat rash/prickly heat, headache of all kinds, hemorrhoid, heartburn, high blood pressure, herpes zoster/simplex
I — impetigo, inflamed joints, insomnia, ingrown toenails, infertility due to anovulatory cycles, indigestion, insect bites, interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome
J – K — jaundice, joints, keratosis follicularis, kidney infections
L — laxation, leprosy, laryngitis, lupus, liver ailments, leukemia
M — multiple sclerosis, mastitis in cattle, mouth irritations, muscle cramps/strains, moles
N — nausea of all kinds
O — onycholysis, odor control of chronic ulcers, oral disorders
P — pelvic pain, pinworms, psoriasis, prostatitis, poison ivy/oak, pancreas
R — razor burn, radiation burns, radiation dermatitis, rashes
S — stings, styes, sprains, senile moles, sores of all kinds, seborrhea, stretch marks, sore throat, shingles, staph infections, sunburns, sciatic nerve, sickle-cell disease, silicon toxicity
T — tonsillitis, tendinitis, trachoma, tuberculosis, tumors
U — ulcerations of all kinds, urticaria, ulcers (peptic and duodenal)
V — vaginitis, venereal sores, venous stasis, varicose veins
W — wind burn, wheal, wounds of all kinds, warts
X – Y – Z — X-ray burns, yeast infections, zoster (shingles)
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