我的拒签信是这样的::The cost of your tuition,maintenance and accommodation is
to be borne by your father.funding your education will impose an additional financial burden on him and based on the evidence you have provided today I am not satisfied that this increased financial outlay is commensurate with their current economiccircumstance or that these funds will actually be available to you in the uk.therefore Iam not satisfied on a balance of your accomodation without recourse to public funds.in the light of my misgivings concerning the financial implication of your application Iam not satisfied that you intend to study in uk.
you have been unable to satisfactorily explain how your proposed course is organised and structured.such a lack of knowledge and preparation does not demonstrate a genuine instrest and commitment to the course and Iam therefore not satisfied ,on the balance of probabilities,that you are able and intend to follow the course.